TFS 2012 corrupt local workspace. Source Control explorer says working...

I have blogged
recently about the issues I have been having with local workspaces and the
TF400030 error.   This can lead to a corrupt local workspace which renders Visual Studio unable to access the source control.


The symptons for this are that **Visual Studio 2012** will pause (and subsequently fail) whenever trying to access either the **Source Control Explorer** or the **Pending Changes** screen.  The **Source Control Explorer** window just stays stuck saying "working...".  I have enclosed a video demonstrating this below.
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
I also enclose another video taken immediately after to demonstrate that the rest of **Team Explorer **is working as expected.  This is to stop people suggesting that the issue is network related.
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.


The only resolution I have at the time of writing is to delete the **workspace**.  As **Visual Studio** seems unable to access the **workspace** without crashing, I used the tf.exe command.
- Load **Developer Command Prompt for VS2012** from your start menu. - Run the following:
*tf.exe workspace /delete /collection:%URIToYourCollection% %WORKSPACENAME%*

* *
This successfully deleted the **workspace** for me and I was able to access the **Source Control Explorer** again.