DSC: Adding a user into the local users group

I had some difficulty trying to use the Group Resource where I was trying to add a user into the local Users group. I was getting the following error:

Credentials are required to resolve the domain account INTERACTIVE.

I was using the following code.

Group AddToUsersGroup  
    GroupName = "Users"
    Ensure = "Present"
    MembersToInclude = "User1"

I was not entirely sure why this wasn't working, but it seems like it was trying to do something with the existing group member "NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE" and incorrectly thinking it was part of a domain.

I managed to get around this issue by using the xGroup resource from the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration set of resources from here.

Changing the code as follows fixed it for me.

xGroup AddToUsersGroup  
    GroupName = "Users"
    Ensure = "Present"
    MembersToInclude = "User1"